
Here are answers to the questions we hear most frequently from skilled or semi-skilled workers exploring a career opportunity through a move to British Columbia.

What types of jobs are BC aerospace companies recruiting for?2023-04-10T19:32:30-07:00

While the career opportunities can vary widely depending on a number of factors, there is typically a steady demand for employees who have the skills and experience to perform the roles outlined in this list of highest-priority occupations.

What kinds of programs or resources are available through the Canadian or British Columbia governments to help skilled or semi-skilled workers move to the province?2023-03-23T14:03:02-07:00

We’ve developed a Support for Skilled Workers page that lists government programs that offer support and resources to skilled and semi-skilled workers interested in moving to BC. As an introduction to the province, WelcomeBC provides a BC Newcomers’ Guide that covers a wide range of basics for arrivals to BC and those considering making a move. The guide is available in more than a dozen languages and includes easily accessible videos.


What kinds of lifestyle options does BC offer outside of career opportunities?2023-03-23T14:02:06-07:00

BC is a large province, covering more than 944,000 square km (which is about four times the size of Great Britain), with the potential for people to engage in plenty of cultural, recreational and outdoor pursuits. Whether it’s climate and lifestyle or career advancement you’re after, you can find more information in our Life in British Columbia section.

Which companies are British Columbia’s largest aerospace industry employers and how can I find out more about what sort of career opportunities are available?2023-03-23T13:51:59-07:00

The BC aerospace industry is made up of a diverse group of companies, whose operations are clustered mostly in Greater Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, the Okanagan Valley and Vancouver Island. To help you find the type of organization and role you’re looking for, we’ve compiled a list of BC’s major aerospace employers in this Company Directory.

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